AEESP Outstanding Publication Award

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This award is given annually to recognize the author(s) of a "landmark environmental engineering and science paper that has withstood the test of time and significantly influenced the practice of environmental engineering and science." At least one of the authors must be living and previous winners are ineligible for a period of three years. The recipient of this award will receive a plaque, a cash prize of $500, and a $750 travel allotment to attend the awards ceremony.

Nominations must be made by individuals who are not authors or co-authors of the paper. Past nominations will be carried over and considered for three years and may be modified during this period. Refer to the nomination package for the required submission requirements.

*Eligibility: Previous winners of the award are ineligible for a period of three (3) years.  At least one of the authors of the paper must be living.

Past Recipients

2024Pruden, Amy, Pei, Ruoting, Storteboom, Heather, and Carlson, Kenneth.  "Antibiotic resistance genes as emerging contaminants: studies in northern Colorado," Environmental Science & Technology, 40(23): 7445-7450 (2006)
2023Jiang, Sunny, Noble, Rachel T., and Chu, Weiping.  "Human Adenoviruses and Coliphages in Urban Runoff-Impacted Coastal Waters of Southern California," Applied and Environmental Microbiology, 67(1): 179-184 (2001)
2022Tratnyek, Paul, Scherer, Michelle, and Johnson, Timothy.  "Kinetics of halogenated organic compound degradation by iron metal," Environmental Science & Technology, 30(8): 2634-2640 (1996).
2021Dionysiou, Dionysios D. and Anipsitakis, George.  "Radical generation by the interaction of transition metals with common oxidants," Environmental Science & Technology, 38(13): 3705-3712 (2004).
2020Logan, Bruce E. et al. "Microbial Fuel Cells: Methodology and Technology," Environmental Science & Technology, 40(17): 5181-5192 (2006).
2019Tufenkji, Nathalie and Elimelech, Menachem.  "Correlation equation for predicting single-collector efficiency in physicochemical filtration in saturated porous media," Environmental Science & Technology, 38: 529-536 (2004).
2018Arnold, William A. and Roberts, A. Lynn.  "Pathways and kinetics of chlorinated ethylene and chlorinated acetylene reaction with Fe(0) particles," Environmental Science & Technology, 34 (9), 1794-1805 (2000).
2017Jafvert, C.T. and Valentine, R.L., "Reaction scheme for the chlorination of ammoniacal water," Environ. Sci. Technol., pp 577-586 (1992)
2016DiToro, D.M., Paquin, P.R., Subburamu, K. and Gruber, D.A. "Sediment Oxygen Demand Model: Methane and Ammonia Oxidation," Journal of Environmental Engineering, 116(5), 945 (1990)
2015Reckhow, D.A., Singer, P.C., and Malcolm, R.L. "Chlorination of Humic Materials: Byproduct Formation and Chemical Interpretations," Environmental Science and Technology, 24(11), 1655-1664 (1990).
2012Childress, A.E., and Elimelech, M. "Effect of Solution Chemistry on the Surface Charge of Polymeric Reverse Osmosis and Nanofiltration Membranes", Journal of Membrane Science, Volume 119(2), October 1996, pages 253-268.
2011Matheson, L.J. and P.G. Tratnyek. "Reductive dehalogenation of chlorinated methanes by iron metal" Environmental Science and Technology, 28:2045-2053, 1994.
2010Carter, C.W. and I.H. Suffett. “Binding of DDT to Dissolved Humic Materials.” Environmental Science and Technology. 16:735-740 (1982).
2009Dempsey, B.A., Ganho, R.M., and C.R. O'Melia. "IThe Coagulation of Humic Substances by Means of Aluminum Salts". Journal of the American Water Works Association. 76:141-150 (1984).
2008Freedman, D.L. and Gossett, J.M. "Biological Reductive Dechlorination of Tetrachloroethylene and Trichloroethylene to Ethylene under Methanogenic Conditions", Applied and Environmental Microbiology, 55:2144-2151 (1989). 1991.
2007Hayes, K. F., A. L. Roe, G. E. Brown Jr., K. O. Hodgson, J. O. Leckie and G. A. Parks. "In situ x-ray absorption study of surface complexes: selenium oxyanions on a-FeOOH". Science. 238:783-786 (1987).
2006Ball, W.P. and Roberts P.V., "Long-Term Sorption of Halogenated Organic Chemicals by Aquifer Material. 2. Intraparticle Diffusion," Environ. Sci. Technol., 25(7):1237-1249, 1991.
2005Han, M. and D.F. Lawler, "The (Relative) Insignificance of G in Flocculation," J. Amer. Water Works Assn., 84(10):79-91, 1992.
2004Edzwald, J.K., Becker, W.C., and Wattier, K.L., "Surrogate Parameters for Monitoring Organic Matter and THM Precursors," J. Amer. Water Works Assn. 77(4):122-132, 1985.
2003Williamson, K.J. and P.L. McCarty, "A Model of Substrate Utilization by Bacterial Films," J. Water Poll. Control Fed., 48:9-24, 1976.
2002Elimelech, M., and C.R. O'Melia, "Kinetics of deposition of colloidal particles in porous media," Environ. Sci. Technol. 24:1528-1536, 1990.
2001Thackston, E.L. and P.A. Krenkel, "Reaeration Prediction in Natural Streams," J. Sanit. Engrg. Div., ASCE, 95(1):65-93, 1969.
2000Crittenden, J.C., Hand, D.W., Arora, H., and B.W. Lykins, Jr., "Design Considerations for GAC Treatment of Organic Chemicals," J. Amer. Water Works Assn. 79 (1) 74-82, 1987.
1999Chiou, C. T., Peters L.J., and V.H. Freed, "A Physical Concept of Soil-Water Equilibria for Non-Ionic Compounds," Science (206)16 831-832, 1979.
1999G. Sposito, "The Operational Definition of the Zero Point of Charge in Soils," Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J., V. 45, 292, 1981.
1998Bouwer, E.J. and P. McCarty, "Removal of trace chlorinated organic compounds by activated carbon and fixed-film bacteria," Environ. Sci. Technol., 16 (836-843) 1982.
1997Amirtharajah, A. and K.M. Mills, "Rapid-Mix Design for Mechanisms of Alum Coagulation," Journal Amer. Water Works Assn., 74 (4) 210-216, 1982.
1996Rajagopalan, R. and C. Tien, "Trajectory Analysis of Deep-Bed Filtration with the Sphere-in-cell Porous Media Model," AIChE Journal, 22, 523-533, 1976.
1995Sezgin, M., D. Jenkins, and D.S. Parker, "A Unified Theory of Filamentous Activated Sludge Bulking," J. Water Poll. Con. Fed., 50, 2, 362-382, 1978.
1994Morel, F.M.M. and J.J. Morgan, "A Numerical Method for Computing Equilibria in Aqueous Chemical Systems," Environ. Sci. Technol., 6:58-67, 1972.
1993Stevens, A.A. and J.M. Symons, "Measurement of Trihalomethane and Precursor Concentration Changes", J. Amer. Water Works Assn., 69:10:546, 1977.
1992Argaman, Y. and W. J. Kaufman, "Turbulence and Flocculation", J. San. Engr. Div., ASCE, 96, SA2, 223-241, April, 1970.
1991Yao, K.-M., M.T. Habibian, and C.R. O'Melia, "Water and Waste Water Filtration: Concepts and Applications," Environ. Sci. Technol., 5 (11), 1105, Nov., 1971.
1990O'Connor, D.J., "Oxygen Balance of an Estuary," Jour. San. Engrg. Div., ASCE, 86, SA3, 35-55 (May, 1960).
1989Weber, W.J., Jr. and J.C. Morris, "Kinetics of Adsorption on Carbon from Solution," and "Equilibria and Capacities for Adsorption on Carbon," J. San. Engrg. Div., ASCE, April 1963 and June 1964.
1988McCarty, P.L., "Anaerobic Waste Treatment Fundamentals", Public Works, 95, 9, 107-112; 10, 123-126; 11, 91-94; 12, 95-99 (September-December, 1964).
1987Dick, R.I. and Ewing, B.B., "Evaluation of Activated Sludge Thickening Theories", J. San. Engrg. Div., ASCE, 93, SA4, 9-29 (August, 1967).
1986Dick, R.I., "Role of Activated Sludge Final Settling Tanks", J. San. Engrg. Div., ASCE, 96, SA2, 423-436 (April, 1970).
1985McCarty, P.L. and Lawrence, A.W., "Unified Basis for Biological Treatment Design and Operation", J. San. Engrg. Div., ASCE, 96, SA3, 757-78 (June, 1970).
1984Stumm, W. and O'Melia, C.R., "Stoichiometry of Coagulation", J. Amer. Water Works Assn., 60, 5, 514-539 (May, 1968).
1983Stumm, W. and Morgan, J.J., "Chemical Aspects of Coagulation", J. Amer. Water Works Assn., 54, 8, 971-992 (August, 1962).